Sunday, April 06, 2008

I am an abolitionist because the stories of slavery then restoration somehow make their way to my little spark on this earth. Today, I was approached by a young man who said, "Child sex trafficking sickens me, what can I do?"
He then told me a story of two girls he knows that were sex slaves. Seeing the number146 hit him hard. His two friends had numbers. They were made to suffer so much so that even thousands of miles away from the place of slavery, there were suicide attempts and PTSD.
These girls are living examples of the importance of really good and professional aftercare. A therapist sees the girls weekly and they are surrounded by great, safe, people. (Amen!!!) But I know through my support of Love146 how safehomes reach the core of the survivor and allow them to heal and thrive. Hopefully this movement to end modern-day slavery will raise up more and more safehomes so that children will know restoration in the light and safety of professional care givers and dedicated anti-trafficking agencies.
Please visit to donate.