Saturday, July 15, 2006

I am putting money where my mouth is. That is a wonderful feeling. Yesterday was the first night of fundraising for JFCI at "The Taming of the Shrew." While I was talking to people about the agency and collecting money, I couldn't stop thinking that at this very moment a trafficked girl is being raped and at this very moment a child is being abducted from her home to be put in a brothel and at the same time this evil is occuring, I am fighting against it. I had these kids' backs. I really hoped that one day a trafficked girl will understand that people care about her and want the best for her. It was inspiring to see people give from their own pockets and the supportive comments from people were so wonderful. One doner that sticks out in my mind is a man who works for public works and was just at the park doing his job. Yet the first thing he did when he got out of his truck was to come over, look at the display and give 3 dollars when public works employees do not get payed much. He had to literally dig through his wallet to give me the money. I think he set an example for me in terms of charity. Everyone was so generous and I am delighted to say 44 dollars were raised by only selling concessions to a crowd of about 60 people. Tonight there will be even more people! Fantastic... just fantastic.

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